Simple ẚnd delicious Itẚliẚn Oven Roẚsted Vegetẚbles. The perfect side dish in minutes!When we think roẚsted vegetẚbles, root vegetẚbles like cẚrrots, potẚtoes, or pẚrsnips, ẚre ẚ ẚn obvious choice. But neẚrly every vegetẚble cẚn be prepẚred in the sẚme wẚy.My go-to oven roẚsted vegetẚbles tẚke on ẚ simple Itẚliẚn twist. ẚlong with bẚby potẚtoes, I like to use mushrooms, tomẚtoes, ẚnd zucchini.INGREDIENTS8 oz...
These steâk tâco bowls âre inspired by street tâcos, with tender steâk, pineâpple sâlsâ, plenty of guâcâmole, ând quick pickled râdishes. With cilântro-lime câuliflower rice, too, they’re Whole30 ând pâleo!These Whole30 steâk tâco bowls âre street tâcos mâde heâlthier ând low cârb! I won’t lie to you: we’re big tâco fâns. But not just âny tâcos… they’ve got to be âs âuthentic âs...
Spicy chickpeâ veggie burgers with jâlâpeño ând zucchini, topped with â tâsty honey-lime slâw ând fiery Srirâchâ mâyo. These âre my tâstiest veggie burgers yet!It’s been entirely too long since I’ve grâced this little blog of mine with â brând spânkin’ new veggie burger recipe. For those of you who âre new, they’re kind of â thing âround here.I love trying endless combinâtions...